Wednesday, May 11, 2011

still not ready to give up hope

Hey all first I want to apologize for not posting an update for awhile now
as some of you already suspected, or know last week's appt was NOT a good one :(
I needed some time to process..

last week-
The fluid level drop again to 1.2
The Cele (sac) grew considerably to almost 6cm across
There is now fluid building up in his 4th ventricle of the brain...what does this mean well that is another condition called Hydrocephalus in which he will need something called a shunt to drain that fluid for him. For probably the rest of his life.
I also had slightly elevated Blood Pressure

So last Thurs I requested from my OB to send me back up to the Seton Center at Good Sam (they are high risk perinatal) just to see what they had to say.

So this weeks scan was there a level 2 which is a little more in depth.
The girl there really tried to take her time to get a good look at everything but the fluid was still only 1.3 and with hardly any fluid its really hard to get a good look.

my concerns were.....
kidneys are they working..and the answer was there is no way to tell on an U/S if they are functioning properly. They couldnt even find one of them :(

Lungs..are they developing with that low of fluid...the answer the only way to test lungs that is rarely done is an Amnio about 24-36hr before a scheduled delivery. For me there is no fluid so no point in trying that its a wait and see how he breaths when he gets here

Fluid level ..WHAT can we do...and again the answer was nothing. There is nothing to do but keep hydrating.

His measurements were even more behind this time his Femur,arm, head and stomach only grew by days instead of weeks. all measuring still around 28wks each now.
His now estimated weight is 2lbs,7oz (was 2#3oz) so he has only gained 4oz in 2wks time :( and doesnt even weigh 3# yet.

For those of you keeping track I am now 31wks pregnant

The cele is rapidly growing by a CM each week the last two weeks (which we believe is all fluid that is the good news) It now is 7.03 across by 5cm by 4cm

So now I am sure you are all thinking is there ANY good news ??
Well there are a couple of things
1..he still has a STRONG but decreasing heart beat
2..the blood flow from the placenta is still well in normal range
3..he WAS ACTUALLY trying practice breathing during the U/S she showed us how his diaphragm was moving up and down. There are a VERY SMALL percentage of babies who have survived with low fluid or water breaking early scenario's so there is still some hope for us.

I have been told there is nothing more that can be done for us during this pregnancy.
Its a wait til its time to deliver and see what Korbin can do.
I truly believe he will do what ever it is that he was meant to do even if that means becoming an Angel!
I am not giving up hope or the dream of taking my son home from the hospital, but at the same time we have started making more detailed plans for a funeral.

Chris and I really believe in the power of prayer and that is all we can ask for. Please pray with us.
Thank you all for your continued support


  1. I never stop praying for you and Korbin. I don't know what this little guy is going to do, but I know that the time you have is precious and I hope you have lots more. Sometimes babies really do surprise you. And it sounds like you're being realistic. I wish I could tell you that everything would work out. The waiting is tough. *hug*

  2. Praying for you and your sweet boy. sending you hugs.
