Monday, March 21, 2011


Well here we are the weekly Ultrasound
Which I guess I will continue until I see my regular OB, who is apparently very sick right now so everyone say a prayer she gets well soon!

I feel great!! i hope its not one of those jump the gun feelings but here we are one week after the GRIM news and I think ONE DOWN , only 14-16 to go WE CAN DO THIS.

Ok so to report the Dr said everything looks "stable" his exact words. I know thats not hey looks great or looks good but to me to hear the words stable was a GREAT feeling.
The heart beat was strong at 158.
His head HAS grown and is about 20wks 2days (remember Chris mentioned it was small it was only measuring 19 wks last week) The Cele (that is the short name we gave the encephalocele sac) looks to measuring exactly the same so no change there.
Sarah the U/S tech didnt give us a measurement but she looked at the amnio fluid level (deepest pocket) and I quote "looks good very pleased there, keep drinking the water"
He of course as usual was not cooperative the poor girl only had to get 3 measurements and it took almost 40mins lol again no shocker as he is determined to not make any of this easy :)

My only concern was she had to measure the ventricles and when the Dr came in to double check everything for her they talked to each other he said no it looks the same I think. then he turned to me and said did they mention in the meeting that the 3rd ventricle looked normal right?? which i had no recollection so I need to start googling what that is :) (yea yea dont tell me not to I am GOING to do it anyway)

I know its not much but like I said one day at time, one day at a time!!


  1. You are so right, taking it one day at a time. Love you!

  2. Stable - who'd thought those would ever be sweet words to rejoice over!?!?! But rejoice I will. And Corbin's head - good job buddy! Keep the noggin growin'!

    Tonya- step away from grim Doc Google. He's not always our friend (you knew I was going to say it! =:-P)

    Now off to update the church prayer list people - I've been getting update requests - and My MIL asked for an update so she can share with her bible study on Wednesday.

    Keep taking it one day at a time. One moment at a time, if that's what you need.
    Much love,

  3. Stable can be a very good thing in the right context. Hang on to hope.


  4. Stable is good! Growth is good!

    Stop Googling-I can say from experience you will find more bad info than good online.

    OK-I know you are still Googling :)

    Prayers are still coming strong from here!!!


  5. Korbin...awesome! He's a fighter, Tonya, he is already showing that. He has too many people (including our church members) praying for him, so keep the faith. I hope you don't mind, but I told our congregation about him on Sunday, and asked for prayers. You guys just keep the faith.

  6. One day at a time, one miracle at a time. We only need one. Prayers for Corbin and prayers for his Mommy & Daddy. Stay Strong

    Love You

