Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter, not thanksgiving but VERY thankful :)

Slow and steady is the course that gets you there...and hopefully it maybe the course we are on.

This weeks appt was about the same. He is still holding steady
His head grew a little now measuring at 25 wks (remember it was just under 23), His femur measured 28wks ..which is almost right on. However the Cele (brain sac) grew just a little too its now 4.75 (was 4.5)
The fluid level was about the same at 2.2

We really believe in the power of prayer so everyone please keep praying.
We are so thankful for everyone.

We had a nice relaxing weekend and Easter.

I am still hanging in there. resting as much as possible, and drinking as much water as physically possible.


  1. Will definitely keep those prayers going. Miracles happen everyday and we are hoping and praying for this special one. Love you guys, xoxoxoxoxo

  2. Slow and steady, chickie.
