Monday, April 11, 2011

no news is good news....

I am happy to report there is little to no change...which is good considering
The fluid is still dangerously low at 1.75
his heartbeat is still strong at 173
there is no fluid build up in his brain or else where. (hydrops the u/s tech calls it)

Today was a growth scan and he did grow a little. Head now at 24wks3days. The cele sac however has grown a little also :( its now 4cm across (was 3cm)
He gained 5oz which isnt a whole lot but its a GAIN :) He weighs 1lbs 8oz

We've decided to keep me on strict bed rest again til next weeks appt to see what happens.

On a side note I think overall we had a pretty up beat weekend around here. Friday afternoon my cousin took Kayla to see HOP (thanks again patty) Friday night we lounged around the house catching up on some of our Tivo together.

Saturday the girls forced me to keep my day out plans with them of outlet shopping and dinner at Red Robin (Yummmm) They got me a wheelchair and pushed me around for the 2.5hrs we shopped. Even tho I didnt do much i was EXHAUSTED by the end of dinner

Sunday we went to church for the first time in forever it was NICE. Kayla enjoyed it a lot it was her first time going to children's church. There was an Easter Egg Hunt at our clubhouse here in the neighborhood we happened upon on the way home from church. Kayla enjoyed that too. Then Chris spent about 5hrs cutting grass and doing yard work while Kayla got to play outside all day. I of course was inside in my recliner. It was nice to do some "normal" things for a change even tho Korbin never left my mind.

In the car after my appt today I said to my mom maybe my little man is going to prove the Drs all wrong. She said I hope so I really hope so.
Only God knows and I have faith whatever he has choosen is the right path!


  1. Tonya - you have no clue how proud I am of you. You and Chris are so strong - and you're fighters. For Korbin and for your family. I wish I could just give you one day, of no worry and no fear. Love you guys - keep the faith. I have.

  2. No news IS good news! You will never regret loving Korbin and how you have taken care of him. I know it's in God's hands, and continue to pray for all of you!

    PS: see, the church roof didn't collapse! ;-)

  3. Tonya,
    It was so great to see you all Sunday at church. God's arms are open to all 4 of you. Please let me know if there is anything you need.


  4. I'm so happy to read a good update! If anyone can prove the doctors wrong, it will be your little guy. I'm so glad you were able to enjoy some normalcy. You have the greatest friends, Tonya - good for them for taking you shopping! <3

  5. I'm so glad for no news! I wish I could have seen you longer on Saturday. We need to do it again soon. <<>>
