Saturday, April 2, 2011

So Kayla finally knows..

SO we finally told Kayla...
well actually I did. Chris had already left for work for the day.
Early Wednesday morning Kayla climbed in bed to snuggle (she does this sometimes)
and as we were laying there she kept asking quesetions (very concerned) that we hadnt bought Korbin lots of clothes or diapers. Because he was gonna need lots of those. And why didnt start getting his room already,werent we exited.
Soo it just seemed like the right time to finally tell her.

I just told her he wasnt very "healthy" in mommy's belly. That he had a hole in his head and the Doctors where concerned he was going to be able to live. I told her mommy and daddy were going to do everything in their power to help him but that sometimes God needs us anyway ..even little babies.

She was upset at first but she really hasnt spoken much about it since then or asked many questions.
Friday as i was brushing her hair for school she was staring in the mirror and I asked her what was on her little mind to which she replied "just thinking about the baby and him not living" :(

She has prayed for him..and the people over there in that China place where they took all their food away b/c its poisoned (japan lol) who knows where she got that from.

She seems to be handling it well, but shes a fighting Soldano :)


  1. That's so sad, and I'm sure as she processes it more and more, she will keep having questions. I like that you guys are being honest with her and keeping it "kid simple". ♥ I can only imagine how hard this is for all of you.

  2. Kayla is one smart cookie,I am sure that was one of the hardest conversations you will ever have to have with her, you handled it beautifully. Keep the lines of communication open. ((HUGS)) to all.
